30 November 2007

I'm in Love....(From Bali With Love)

...with my Blackberry. :) hahaha

I purchased a Blackberry World Edition 8830 back in September and wasn't sure if I would even like it, but I love it!!!

You can check out the 8830's at the Blackberry Store HERE or you can see them at the Verizon Store HERE

28 November 2007

Hillary's in Town (From Bali With Love)

Hillary Clinton came to Spartanburg today and I had the opportunity to go hear her speak. I had this amazing rush of, not to sound young, "girl power".

I found it touching when she said her own mother was born in a time before women could vote and now how amazing it must be for her to see her own daughter running for President!

I also enjoyed it when she was talking about America needs to take major steps to change...to not only help America but also the World. Hillary said, "It's not a Democratic thing, it's not a Republican thing, it's an American thing".....I agree.

27 November 2007

Carolina-Clemson Game (From Bali With Love)

What a disappointment! My favorite College Football Team lost the last game of the season to our biggest rival in the last second of the game.

25 November 2007

Nyepi – Bali's Official Day of Silence (From Bali With Love)

Give the Earth a Rest!

Nyepi - a Balinese word for silence, is the name given to the first day of Balinese lunar calendar when it is the religious obligation of every Balinese Hindu to dedicate an entire day to quiet introspection and spiritual cleansing. During this day, the entire island of Bali comes to a complete standstill; the airport closes, streets resemble ghost towns and visitors are confined to their hotels for a 24 hour period. Nyepi will take place on March 7, 2008 this year.

22 November 2007

Bali Here I Come Again...(From Bali With Love)

Ok...I FINALLY found a ticket to Bali for the holidays soooooo I'm leaving again! ;-)

This time, my journey takes me:
Greenville/Spartanburg to Dallas, Texas to Tokyo, Japan to Denpasar, Bali


Denpasar, Bali to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Shanghai, China to Chicago to Greenville/Spartanburg

YAY! I'm so excited...I can't wait

....Bali here I come, again!

20 November 2007

The Spiritual Divine (From Bali With Love)

I just love this picture from Jakarta Post's Weekender...the Spiritual Divine.

Isn't this how many of our lives are? I know I feel like this most of my waking days.

We've all the heard expression, am I coming or going? I stay so busy all the time that I myself can't answer this question.

I'm always saying: "Life is too short, have some fun, explore", but am I really doing this myself?

I know how important it is to stop and smell the roses, not hold grudges and to learn new things (I really love to learn new things) but how do we find our balance? Our center? Our perfect life synergy? How can I make myself be evenly connected to the world, to individuals, to myself, to work, to earth? Who is my "true" self, what is my purpose, where is my "place"?

Ok...I am going a little too deep than most people care to read about SO I'll leave you with this...I have been reflecting on various aspects of my life and I have been reevaluating some things. I am taking baby steps to start my journey in the direction I am wanting to go at this point in my life and my first step has been to de-clutter my life.

hahaha...more to come later...

18 November 2007

Fade (From Bali With Love)

Why do the blooms leave when the air turns cold?

Why does the wind take all the trees glory?

Where do one's thoughts go when you're not looking?

Where are one's feelings when you're not with them?

Why does everything fade in the winter?

15 November 2007

Unforeseen...(From Bali With Love)

Does anyone really know what their future will hold or their day for that matter?

I would like to think that I have it all planned out in my head, but I don't.

I can remember as a child mapping out my entire future…several times actually.

Even as I got older, I set goals and timelines for myself (those who know me well call me Monica from Friends), but now I see it's all unpredicted for me.

Unpredictable is alright. I'm living a happy life, have a good job and I'm surrounded by great people.

I still have goals and certain things I want to do in my lifetime, but for the most part, a new day is a new day is a new day.

Whatever comes my way will be unforeseen and wonderful.

10 November 2007

36 Hours in Bali (From Bali With Love)

***This article was sent to me by CATE just prior to going to Bali for my first trip. Thanks Cate!

Enjoying the sunset at Ku Dé Ta, a chic Bali nightspot.
Published: June 24, 2007

Go HERE to view this article.

09 November 2007

A Beautiful Way to Start This Blog...(From Bali With Love)

"The beauty of the setting sun reveals to us why a Balinese would rather be dead in Bali then alive in heaven." -FROM A MOVIE

One day I hope to live in Bali, my paradise...it offers a beautiful blend of cultures, amazing food, friendly people and who could forget the breathtaking sunsets...sit back, relax and enjoy!
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